


1.      有時候,在不同的公司會有不同的格式規定,如果你的履歷表並沒有照他們所想要的格式寫,就會被拒絕。

2.      讓你的履歷表表現出你優點的那一面,為什麼他們要找你來面試? 請你自己問自己這個問題,並把你的答案融入你的履歷表中 (舉例來說,該公司需要一位專案經理,什麼樣的技能、資格、成就、特性(指個性),會比較吸引他們顧用你? 而你所回答的這些答案都應該粗體標示並且清楚的舉證在履歷表中。

3.      盡量寫重點。通常常人事主管必須在一個小時內看上百封履歷表,有時更少─五到六秒中內瀏覽一份履歷,在短短六秒中內他們就必須從你的履歷中看出你和這個職位的關連性,進而決定你適不適合這項工作。所以你的履歷表在短短六分鐘內就要讓他們對你有印象(並和該工作做關連)

4.      在你要寄出你的履歷表之前,給較年長的人或是你的同事,讓他們看你的履歷表十秒中,然後問他們你要應徵哪種職位,並說一說他們看你履歷表的想法以及你是否是合適候選人;如果這對他們來說並不是那麼明顯的答案,那麼或許你的履歷表並沒有寫的像你想像中的好,重做並改進那些你得到的批評

5.      為了讓你的履歷表看起來完全合適於這份工作,你必須:

     A搜尋對這份工作大體上的介紹 ( 責任、資格、成長、目標)

     B搜尋對這間公司大體上的介紹 (它的目標、產品、財務狀況、之前記錄、未來與展望)

     C搜尋對這間公司的評論 (由現任或是前職員及網路上的評價)

6.     如果你有出版品,就將它附加在你的履歷表中,這會令人印象深刻。[*發表25篇文章在國家和國際級刊物中]


如果翻的不好請指教,因為我也沒工作經驗,所以有些會翻的比較怪或是完全會錯意,請大家多多擔待啦! 不過我還滿開心的,因為這次翻譯的速度又比上次快一點,希望能給懶得看英文的人一些幫助。


There are many ways to write a CV correctly and what is the information that should go in it. The following guidelines will give you a good idea of what you should do to create a winning CV.

  • 1. Some times the region or the country or even the company has a prescribed order of presentation. Ensure you have the right style of presentation, because if they are used to see the CVs in some order and they get it in another, they will not have the patience or time to reorganize their thoughts to follow your style of presentation, and your CV will be summarily rejected.
  • 2. Treat your CV as an advertisement for yourself. Why should the employer choose you? Put this question to yourself and write the CV in such a way that answer should be evident. (For example the employer wants a good PR Manager, what skills would be attractive, what qualifications would be attractive, what achievements would be most impressive for this profile, what traits would be best for this job, etc all these should be highlighted and clearly evident in your CV).

  • 3. Be as much to-the-point as possible; the employer would have to go through some hundred CVs in one hour, or some times even less than that - hence the time for perusing one CV would be about 5-6 seconds. In 6 seconds the employer should get the relevant information from your CV so he/she can decide whether you are suitable or not. Your CV will have only 6 seconds to make an impression.

  • 4. Before you send your application (CV) to the job, ask a senior person or colleague preferably in the same line in which you are applying, to go through your CV in 10 seconds and get their feedback; do they see you as a suitable candidate? If it is not obvious to them, your CV may not be written as efficiently as you would have wanted it to be. Redo it incorporating the critiques received.

  • 5. To make your CV completely tailor-made for the job (and enhance your chance as the best match) you need to:

    • a. Research about the job in general (what it involves as responsibility, qualifications, growth, and goals)

    • b. Research about the company (its goals, its products, its financial get-up, its past success, its future plans)

    • c. Research about the description of the job in the present company (from present employees, ex-employees, direct approach or the Internet)

  • 6. If you have publications, a long list of training programs attended, out-of-the-way job descriptions that would impress the employer for the present job, and the like annex the details to the CV. Indicate that details are given in the annexure at the relevant point [ex: * published 25 articles in national and international level journals) (see annex for details)].

You will know your CV is a winner, if it matches the requirements almost to the T or it gives it a little extra in terms of qualifications or experience or traits.

資料來源:  http://www.cvtips.com/writing_of_a_CV.html

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